Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Library 2.0 / Learning 2.0

As I have mentioned previously, my real introduction to Library 2.0 came when I went to the Ontario Library Association's conference in January. I stumbled upon the world of Web 2.0 and it was transformative. Take a look at the conference link above and you can access powerpoint and other media from the workshops.

Not only could I see the application for libraries, but I recognized the need to integrate web 2.0 applications into the services of the Adult Learning Centre. They can help us, as staff, do our jobs better. AND the skills and knowledge will help our adult learners achieve their goals. For us to know about Web 2.0 and not make significant effort to include the applications in our program delivery model seems to me to be a real disservice to our clients / customers.

I am learning lots from these activities and I look forward to working with my colleagues as we incorporate it into the learning centres. It is truly a wonderful demonstration of our commitment to continuous improvement. Thank you for participating!

BTW: This animated me was made at http://www.meez.com/