Sunday, August 5, 2007

Rocking & Rolling with Rollyo

I was looking at a number of the OSNGUPL blogs and I saw that some people were puzzled about the purposes of Rollyo. The idea is that you can create mini-searches that search a collection of predefined sites of your choosing. At first, I tried to create a searchroll that would search our blogs, but you can see from the comments to this blog post... that my searchroll failed. So I tried to do one that wasn't confined to our blogs.

If I went to a few recipe sites, I could collect them in a searchroll. If I like movies, I could gather the web addresses for imdb, rotten tomatoes, and others and search them all at once. For work, I could collect the best sites related to literacy or learning disabilities. The searchroll below should search some LD sites.


Janet Iles said...

I tried your search with a couple of different terms that I knew would likely appear on some of our pages and the results were from other blogs not from within the group.

I'm confused! I tried OSNGUPL and it said 1 match but showed nothing.

Tim said...

Hi Janet,

Thanks for trying! I think the OSNGUPL one you found that was not showing was my blog which you were already visiting.

Unfortunately Rollyo wants to search from the main URL - in this case - which has many, many blogs. If others type OSNGUPL in their blog then it should find our blogs when searching for OSNGUPL and whatever.

Thanks for giving it a try though!

Cheers - Tim

Tim said...

Hi Janet,

I just did a google blog search for OSNGUPL. Here are the results:

Roger, You and Shirley should have appeared in my rollyo search. Very weird!

I am at a loss for an explanation.