Friday, August 10, 2007 is so delicious!

One of the most wonderful things about is that others can make their bookmarks public. (You can decide which bookmarks to share... so you can keep stuff private too!)

I went to which is by Helene Blowers, the person who designed the original 23 things / Library 2.0 project. Two neat links that I found (and there are hundreds more!) were a list of generators and a photoset of people reading Harry Potter at Hennepin County Public Library!

Interestingly, Helene has also tagged our library 2.0 blog about our project. I was going to send her a note explaining that most of the project outline is in our private wiki and that we acknowledged her there (smiles) but I think she may know when she aggregates this blog. I may still add a post to the blog. We obviously couldn't have done this without her and that should be recognized in the blog.

Thanks for stopping by.

Cheers - Tim

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