Saturday, September 1, 2007

Number 23

I made the comic below at which is yet another Web 2.0 application. I answered most of the 23rd activity questions while blogging earlier in the week. I can seem many ways to use what I have learned over the summer.

I am looking forward to the Adult Learning Centre staff meeting on the 7th so that we can brainstorm and plan for the fall. If all goes well , there will be a new ALC blog launched for the wider community on World Literacy Day.

I think that I will keep contributing to this blog as a personal activity. It has been fun and I have truly enjoyed people's interest and comments.

It has been great fun to read all the Library 2.0 blogs. I have learned so much from my colleagues in the Library and the Adult Learning Centres. I would like to thank everyone for sharing your interests, knowledge and skills. Your willingness to share your lives, thoughts and experiences has been so amazing and powerful. Thank you for your hard work and effort.

Thanks for traveling with me on this journey!

1 comment:

Janet Iles said...

Thanks Tim for getting us all involved in this learning adventure. It has been fun.